How does Nootri work?
Lets see how we can improve the workflow for dietitians, their clients and their business overall!
How it Works Currently:
Traditional Consultation
A dietitian meets with a client for a 1:1 consultation
Gathers data manually and prepares a plan for each client
Prepares Personal Treatment Plan
Progress and feedback is gathered manually via email, WhatsApp message or phone call.
Email, phone or text follow-up
How it Works with Nootri:
Data-driven platform, powered by AI, to automate manual tasks related to client planning and engagement tracking.
Create or Discover Plans on Nootri
Add your plans to the Nootri platform or discover existing premium templates.
Meet clients to understand issues and start them on an assessment plan quickly to gather user information.
Simplified Client Consultation
Select the most suitable plan for the client based on the data gathered. Easily personalise treatment plans if needed with support from Nootri Team as required
Assign Treatment Plan & Personalise
Easily track client progress, engagement and adherence to plans via the Nootri dashboard.
Monitor & Support via Nootri Platform
Nootri registered dietitians can extend your virtual team!
1. Meet your Team
Setup your account with your dedicated team
Invite clients to start plans & set basic preferences
Start tracking data & make adjustments to personal plans
Educate & guide clients with support from your Nootri team
2. Invite Clients
3. Track Progress
4. Support
Here's how it works!
Step 1
Get started with an introduction to the platform, guided by your team!
Meet your team & get setup
Meet your dedicated team. Every dietitian has a dedicated team in Nootri.
Learn how to configure your plans
Learn how to invite clients and how your support team can support you and your clients
Add some of your own recipes
Step 2
Once your basic plans are configured you can invite clients to start using them.
Create plans & invite clients
Configure plans to suit each client = 15-30 mins per client. Set pricing, goals and preferences with guidance from your support team
Email invitations to your clients so they can access and get started.
As clients begin to engage with the app, Nootri AI will start to track their personal preferences and will personalise plans and content to suit each individual client
Step 3
Tracking clients and monitoring activity is simple from the Dietitian dashboard. The Nootri support team will also be present to assist as each plan goes live.
Track client progress
Notifications will be sent to Dietitians and Nootri support team
Ensure clients are getting the best recipe content and feedback from the platform
Track when to update plans and tasks based on client engagements
Step 4
Nootri provides continuous support to all users and clients. Nootri AI takes care of the majority of updates and personalisations and the Nootri support team is connected to ensure everything is 100%.
Nootri AI and support team
Nootri AI will personalise plans and content for users
Nootri support team will check content and engagements.
Nootri suppor team will engage with clients to provide feedback and support about plans and advice the platform is giving.
Glasshouses H2, Dun Laoghaire
Dublin, Ireland